TD HELL v1.1b13H- 28 Rounds, 6 Evolutions - 7 Bosses Boss every 4 rounds, Flying after each boss. made by Nicksisai Lang Experienced TD players should pick 'hard'.hhhY~FH[GdIW}$g(I.iz(L(|IiJ'KGH&)%{hg j&Z܈݈ۄ߈߄ۈJ'NEi\Fy^)ME%onn]wRtِԐpu̔HsllDmL$vڈٌ߀XU*K/jG VJjk2&܄qxی[ވ˔ې; -,+ǔ    " # $()$     $1123    $  *+!    *45*6789     %&$ #   - . *0'33: 0;  !$' ,/!<= >$BC>E- ;BG   >$M (8E$* OB  P$'$/' ;$$ F$$ H##IJKL  N @  BQRSTU?@A! 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GL HF!Z d  !!))! ! ) ) /Welcome to Hell TD v1.1! Peasants are easily killed. Peons of the lowest order. Death Knights that will zoom right past you. Boss 1 Next! Boss Level 1 Flying next level!Fast flying Gryphons. What is there to say? Super Death Knights. Very Fast. Boss 2 Next! Boss Level 2 Strong Ogres with lots of armor. ;Dragons are common in this area and slightly immune to fire. ;Baby Daemons have lots of armor and are resistant to fire. ;Clerics are immune to poison and high in HP. Boss 3 Next! ;Boss Level 3 Footmen are strong in groups. ;Gryphons from Hell. Ogres have thick skin, so pierce does nothing. ;Axethrowers can be strong but these aren't. Boss 4 Next! ;Boss Level 4 You can't beat mages at magic. Flying next!;Helicopters full of enemies are dangerous! ;Skeletons of dead babies. ;They can ALMOST fly because they go so fast. Boss 5 Next! Boss Level 5 Use magic or quick towers to kill Necrolytes.;Helicopters of the highest rank possible. ;Drawves are short but vicious. ;Knights are very strong enemies. Boss 6 Next! ;Boss Level 6 Dead footmen. Resistant to fire and poison!;Meaner Dragons that have increases resistance to fire. ;Mages are immune to their powers. ;Axethrowers are strong but little armor. FINAL boss next! ;Final Boss Daemons have arrived. Death is at your door. ;Arrow TowerA simple tower that shoots arrows. @AA Turret TowerReplaces cannons with turret missiles! Only attacks air!d  `Arrow Tower 2A tower that shoots arrows faster. @Cannon TowerTower that shoots large cannonss at enemies. (@ Cannon Tower 2Advanced cannon tower that has bigger splash radius.  (@ Air Cannon TowerAnti-air cannon tower. Very inexpensive. @ Water TowerA tower that shoots water at a moderately fast speed. Does not attack air!   @Fire TowerShoots fire, but at slow pace. Lots of damage.(@ Poison TowerPoisons enemies for 5 seconds. Does 2-3 damage per iteration. #1 Lightning TowerTower that shoots bolts of lightning at lightning speed. 0@@Wind TowerWind tower that that has a lot of variation in damage. Fast shooting. D* @ Ice TowerTower that freezes the enemy. Lasts for 3 seconds.Z (1  Venom TowerPoison now does 5-6 damage, and effect time is 10 seconds.# 1'Blizzard TowerIncreses effectiveness of slow effect. Lasts 4 seconds.$ (1Barrage TowerShoots a barrage of arrows.@Barrage Tower 2Advanced Barrage Tower does more damage. @Bullet TowerShoots bullets really fast @@Bullet Tower 2Advanced bullet tower. Bullets explode on contact. @@ Sniper TowerLong range, and does ton of damage. 50% of critical hit. <F@2 Target Tower25% chance of critical hit. Shoots arrows. @Autotarget Tower50% critical hit rate. Pierce effect negates 6 armor.& @2Missile TowerHas large splash radius. Fires slowly. Bad against air.(&;P Storm TowerA combination of different elements. y*-2@ Supply TowerIncreases the number of towers you can build. Sell them immediately!$q Volcano TowerCombines Rock and Fire elements. Splash damage.1<2< Ice Thorn TowerShoots ice thorns. High pierce effect.x ( @'Basic TowersA simple array of towers to choose from.Crude TowersAdvanced Versions of basic towersElemental TowersAdd the power of the elements to your arsenal. Special TowersTowers that do special effects to monsters, like poison and slow.//  Critical Hit TowersTowers have a chance of getting Critical Hits.  Sp. Elemntal TowersTowers with multiple elements/effects combined in one tower.(Primitive Clan1st ClanWeakling Peon  PeonHell Peon Death KnightHell Death Knight PeasantOgre ABaby Dragon +Dragon@Footman ZHell Dragon Weakling Gryphon Baby Ogre <Baby Daemon FClerics'Mage Apprentice }Hell Gryphon 2Weakling AxethrowerBaby Skeleton s Helicopterd'Flying Buffalo(Necrolyted Hell Helicopter 'Dwarf Knight  Skeleton 'Mage 1'Axethrower,Daemon of Death ^''  !!))! ! ) ) /  !!))! ! ) ) /            ;;   ; ; ; ;;;   ; ; ; ;;; ; ; ; ;  ;; ; ; ; ; ; ;;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;BZh91AY&SYlg߀Ur` yJ o=c;gn;Gc ]bַ{zo9Ou9nm`]۳׭ۻ9قDA4h@F 3QѵEO4hD5M ѡ41 Hd&?T{JSy@PM4$MOSLM#T4=4"!4&GA馣=Fh4e1ŒJTUPDF a<00xfɳ w Q/ACñl@z$'*f^| HYSLA;K=}pL: | Q?PHl IQ))ihVJsI{?vӇ|D7/:xS3ָ-[ոz~Ұ~k]qꔣOT0dFO,Aܫ:y֕1.xy|X>d^FM;s&bdikzR錧ɲ+KI6ebDh>qs]}19 _BXGRzus˹LY-<_n%ȓNѩ.>}kz1rm_tU}|qJ\x:𬿫:;֓_:J~D=1/nPO>~p xH耊@y%Iq.7.a(F-k_U. ) &LƑ ҈u!ӎ\Da*fkO|ͱќl)yDLC&K9o a3P։T* w{ *_4 E] ]R!0AA#bLu:NNTpP6/}=_b@ B(ZJ|}ysJCH\ qGa:!H٪@ov/)SɍϳzQ7Jy '8TTr$)* .|̴ ^S:^p8?UW]\@q5p-˭zveDiqzL0jJ!Q#) `itvj㮒$ T1 t%ߞĒK*,)<Щ\$98N%2 ]O5+TU&1Mx`.c! $}A{0)49U(`iĞCx;IND}G".UxJʳ#ӎ!25Tn~}m 8_$ XTJg㾿I? 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